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The Personality Compass Type Instrument (PCTI)

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If You Have Used Other Personality Models . . .Why You Should Try The Personality Compass?

All of the top personality type models, such as DISC and the MBTI, are fundamentally useful as far as identifying individual personality type. That is why companies that have already invested time, money and other resources into those models have not wasted their resources or efforts. Now, The Personality Compass is the perfect tool to make practical sense of those more complicated personality models, and provide fast and accurate ways to use that information effectively in order to achieve a specific purpose or goal. Or, the Compass can function alone as the new universal language for understanding and discussing personality type, as well as for confirming and clarifying the science upon which it and all reliable type models are based.

Confusing terminology and overlapping of some personality traits that are often generated by personality type models can cause individuals who are inherently different to be identified by some systems as the same type. This misidentification of an individual's dominant innate nature can create obvious problems relating to accuracy, as well as slow down, and sometimes sabotage, the processes for which correct knowledge of a person's type would be beneficial. Both The Personality Compass as a simple type identification model, as well as the Personality Compass Type Instrument (PCTI) as a specially designed instrument to probe and identify the various nuances of an individual's particular personality, use reliable methods that make misidentification of type obsolete.

The Personality Compass provides a universal language and model that simplifies and clarifies the individual as a full compass, but in differing degrees of dominance. Unlike other personality typing systems, the visual impact of the compass imagery makes it easy to see how the four fundamental natures exist together, work together and need to be developed together in order to create more well rounded behaviors and thinking processes.

Using a global cultural analogy and the universal imagery and terminology of a compass, The Personality Compass becomes a quick, easy and accurate instrument for understand- ing and visualizing the four fundamental clusters of personality attributes and how they relate to each other and form the unique personality within every individual. The Compass takes into account that every person is more than one-dimensional, and it identifies the dominant personality type and the levels of dominance of each of the other three natures as well. Nothing could be more exact or more useful when identifying the fine-tuned aspects of an individual's total personality and how to use that information to make significant improvements in the work place and in a company's bottom line. After all, people will always be any company's most valuable resource, and people ultimately drive profits. As Nouri and Bird point out in Internal Auditing, matching the personality type of individuals with their assigned tasks increases efficiency, productivity and effectiveness.
Every person is a uniquely complex combination of inherent personality traits, including natural likes, dislikes, talents and behavior patterns. Science has consistently provided evidence and data that there are four fundamental clusters of personality characteristics that form the basis of who we are and why we act, think, feel and respond to experience the way we do. Using The Personality Compass simplifies, visually and logically, the way these four natures fit together to constitute the whole personality.

Everyone is a full Compass, but in differing degrees of dominance. The PCTI identifies the order of dominance according to specific aspects of each of the four natures. Of all the instruments designed to identify personality type, the PCTI is the only one that identifies the dominant (#1) and subdominant (#2) natures that exist within every individual, as well as the third #3) strongest nature and the weakest (#4), which will always appear opposite the dominant nature on the Compass. The PCTI accurately captures the distinctive degrees of differences that set each person uniquely apart in the following twelve areas.


  • How You Get Energy and Relate to the World.
  • How You Manage Your Environment
  • How You Grasp Information and Experience
  • How You Evaluate Reality and Make Decisions
  • How You Perform and Solve Problems
  • How You Learn and Adapt to Change
  • How You Form and Sustain Relationships
  • How You Communicate and Handle Conflict
  • How You Approach Leadership and Teams
  • How You Present Yourself
  • How Your Extreme Behaviors Can Be Liabilities
  • How Your Typical Attributes Can Be Assets

    The Value of Personality Type Tests

    Professor Adrian Furnham, Academic and Organizational Behavior Consultant, writes in "Personality Work: The Role of Individual Differences in the Workplace," that he believes that scientifically-based personality tests can be beneficial in the workplace, especially for the participants who take the tests, because participants can receive powerfully meaningful insights into themselves regarding their individualized beliefs and behaviors. He goes on to state that, when used correctly, personality tests can further provide objective criteria for selecting appropriate candidates in recruitment, hiring and job placement, thus eliminating favoritism and corruption in making those choices.

    Lynette Tyrell, Chief Psychologist with Defense Force Recruiting (abroad), uses personality testing in some instances, particularly for special jobs that require specific traits in order to perform the job competently, such as using professional testing to decipher the ability of an individual to be able to withstand stress.

    More Comments . . .

    ". . . For companies that use personality profiling, the satisfactory rate ( for hiring the right person for the right job) soars to 93% (compared to 68% satisfaction with hiring using bio-data, interviews and reference checks).
    Kevin Chandler Chandler & Macleod Australia
    ". . . After an individual has been hired, such tests can be used to help figure out how best to develop that person."
    Lorena Warren Clard Christian and Timbers Advertising Age's Business Marketing Chicago, U.S.A.